Friday, March 23, 2012

Socialization of the blonde & redhead.

Everyone knows the stereotypes for blondes & redheads. Blondes are ditzy and float through life a little lighter than everyone else. Redheads are fiery with a sass that just won't quit. However, is it that these qualities are embedded in our DNA, or do we have society the blame for our limited options of what kind of person we can be? 

Throughout my life I have seen others be scolded for talking back, being sarcastic or for being too emotional, however, I never was. I correct teachers when they use improper grammar (well is a state of being, good is a state of an object), I cannot pretend to like someone, it is physically painful & when I get upset, I will either cry or vent excessively. When I say things like "I seriously doubt your intelligence," it is swatted away with a response of "You redheads crack me up"... Really? The result of society's negligence to properly socialize me has lead me to be a neurotic, confrontational & slightly awkward human being. I try to compensate with pearls and cardigans, & while it has helped to deter people's opinions, I can only fight what this world has brought me up to be so much.

However, I do believe the blondes have the best & the worst of stereotypes. On one hand they are completely lusted after by men & women alike, however, no matter how tight the French twist, they will always look a little less intelligent than the rest of us. This is very discouraging on multiple levels. First off, I will never be able to have the pleasure of going blonde seeing as my complexion is that of a "day walker". I will never be able to be "that girl" who everyone wants to be, or wants to be with. I am doomed to only get hit on by the guys who have a fetish with "my kind" when I go out. Fortunately, I have found a fetish-free man who not only puts up with my neurosis, but adores me for it, so I no longer have to worry about that minor predicament. Second, I have known more intellectually stimulating blondes in my life than brunettes (or at least 50/50). Actually, all of my best girlfriends have been blonde, & truth talk, I only mingle with those who are brilliant, obviously. It is true, though, that my lady-friends do milk the "blondes have more fun" cow & why shouldn't they? Their whole lives they have been given a get out of jail free card for those "oops" moments. For instance, I had a girlfriend who once said that her favorite country was Hawaii... Seriously. But it was only laughed off as everyone was expecting it even before she opened her mouth.

How am I suppose to be mild tempered & how are blondes suppose to compose themselves with more thought before action if all behaviors we do to reinforce the stereotype are encouraged, while brunettes are taught the ins and outs of proper social conduct? When they say something stupid, it is not labeled as a "blonde moment", they are generally just called out for doing or saying something absent-mindedly. Same goes for if they were to be too animated when expressing their opinion; they would be put in their place instead of getting a response like "well aren't you a little firecracker".  My point is, dumb blondes & fiery red heads are not a product of DNA, but of constant reinforcement by society who has predetermined our personalities. So the next time your blonde friend has a "blonde moment", or if your redheaded friend is "spitting fire" the important thing to remember is it is your fault. You and the rest of the world.


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