Everyone has that friend who thinks they are the exception
& if you don’t, you are probably her. The girl who pouts if it is their
turn to be designated driver, the girl who has to dictate the night’s
festivities, otherwise they will get drunk & cause a scene & the girl
who freaks out if the group grabs dinner without her. However, she cannot
understand why other’s get upset when this happens to them. I will call this girl the exceptionista.
The exceptionista is the breed of human who holds social reign, dictating, but
making herself immune to the restrictions she has set for everyone else; AKA the
exception. Physical characteristics normally consist of attractive facial
features with a subtle pout & a permanent expression of self-admiration. A
great example of this person would be Regina George in “Mean Girls”. Tina Fey
obviously has taken time to study this “kind” seeing as she executed the
character flawlessly in her astute screenplay. (If you do not know this movie,
please rent it ASAP.
This anomaly is one that we all fall victim to. We normally
fail to see the authoritarianism until the said dictator does something to
really piss us off, or if a third party shows you the light, (highly unlikely
to be effective). The reason for our
ignorance toward someone so self-involved & dense about any form of empathy
is because we are naturally drawn to being around attractive people. As much as
we want to fight it, we let these exceptionistas get their way because we do
not want to disturb the delicate ecosystem in which the attractive &
dramatic cohabitate with us. It is sad because it really is like an abusive
relationship. The worse they treat us, the more we want them to like us (another
fabulous thought from the writing genius of Tina Fey).
With all of this being said, we are the reinforcers. No one
could hold up such an arrogant existence if they had their ego bruised; even
once would bring it down a notch. It is these girls who have been molded by the
insistent hands we possess. If their parents were to have told them “no” when
they were younger, or if girls didn’t fawn over every move they made, or if
boys didn’t chase them around the playground in a juvenile form of flattery,
they would have a normal prospective of social conduct, like you & me. They
would be happy to take their turn of being sober behind the wheel, they would
be flexible toward the night’s plans & they would understand that they do
not need to be involved in every little activity the group does. So, while we
are the gum on the bottom of their shoe that just won’t quit, they are the
person who knows nothing other than reaping the benefits society is all too
ready to give.
It is a delicate ecosystem & not one that can be
tampered with aggressively. I am not suggesting there be a war on the
pedestaled. I am just suggesting that we confront our oblivion & put the
exceptionistas in their place when need be; otherwise, we will forever oblige
& accommodate them in efforts to avoid ostracism. We should try to make the
relationship among girls friends that of a democracy & regain our dignity
we have so flippantly put aside. Nay to you, Exceptionista. You are one of us
& nothing more.